
Minerals after crushing will go for leaching which would be in contact with sulfuric acid to extract zinc in shape of Zinc sulfate. Zinc sulfate solution will go for cold/Hot purification which exported makeup gets ready for electrolysis. Electrolysis process is contain of 2 pulp vessels, 5 leaching vessels with total volume of 175 cubic meters and official volume of 154 cubic meters. By help of 4 filter press devices, Tal Zinc Smelter Co. is able to produce 280 cubic meters Zinc sulfate solution in this process.


Output solution will go into the purification vessels in order to remove impurities like Cobalt, Nickel, and Cadmium from Zinc sulfate solution. Pure solution will be transferred into the electrolysis process.


In this process, pure Zinc sulfate solution with applying electricity will turn into the sheets on cathodes surface. This section consists of 60 cells which there would be cathodes with substance of aluminums and Anode with substance of lead. Transformer and rectifier are providing required electricity for this process. Ion zinc with DC flow will be absorbed on cathodes surface, each 24 hours zinc sheets will be peeled and gets ready for melting.


In this process, extracted zinc sheets from electrowining will be transferred into the furnace and output molten will be placed into cast-iron molds. Produced ingots would be packaged in 1 ton bandils.

Leaching Department

In this department 4 vessels of leach, 3 vessels of hydroxide, and 5 devices of filter-press have capability of washing 180 tons of soil which causes significant increase of efficiency and optimized utilization of mineral resources.

Technical Department

In this department Mechanic, civil and power engineers have duty of Repair and Maintenance, fix damage and Prevention of production line stops. Also planning and consultation of performing projects.

Laboratory and QC

This department has equipped with VARIAN device in order to do analysis. All input materials, production process and final products will be analyzed and certified by experts of this department sequentially.

Crushing Unit

This unit has equipped with great and powerful equipment. This unit is able to do at least 300 Tons of minerals per day.


This unit has equipped with the latest version of flotation equipment which make it capable of doing mineral flotation like as lead, zinc, copper and other minerals. Capacity of this unit is 300 tons per day.


About TAL Zinc Smelter Co

Tal Zinc Smelter Co. has founded in 2005. It establishes based on highly experienced managers and experts with long history in Zinc industry.
Tal Zinc Smelter Co. with the mentioned history and support could setup its Zinc ingot factory with latest equipment and the most advanced technology on leaching, electrolysis, casting, ….
By the mentioned facilities, Tal Zinc Smelter Co, is producing zinc ingots in international and national grades which are tradable in Stock Exchanges around the world. This grade of quality and standard makes Tal Zinc Smelter Co. able to export majority of its production to the abroad markets.
Production Capacity: Zinc ingots 10,290 ton per year with 99.99 purity

TAL ZINC Smelter co

Company Vision

TAL Zinc Smelter Co. has committed to the environment to employ all efforts and utilize all facilities in order to improving waste management of its production.
Also, production with high level of quality and quantity which is basic index of the company.
We are confident with support of our customers and efforts of our managers and personnel, we will achieve a constant improvement and growth to serve the country's economy.
TALZINC jam company certificates

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